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Updates, changes and such with FurList are posted here.

  • Rules for listings and accounts

    Important rules and guidelines for listings and accounts on FurList, please read before creating a listing / account.

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  • Looking for Fursuit photos!

    We are looking for fursuit photos to be used on FurList banners and such for the website (bonus points if its for a FurList listing!) It will be used for the site banners and possibly as a background for advertising FurList For the photos they must be: Credit will be provided with a link to…

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  • Commissions

    FurList allows you to create commission listings, these include multiple tiers, extras and “will do” / “wont do” section, allowing info to be easily added. Commissions can be selected when making your listing by selecting a category from the commissions section in the dropdown, commissions are separate from buy/sell listings and can be searched under…

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  • Is FurList exclusive to UK?

    Nope! You can use FurList anywhere, we just mainly focus on UK (which is why its as its UK based, this means things such as Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy are based on UK laws. £ is the primary currency on the site but this can be changed when creating your listing to…

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  • Video uploading

    On FurList, you can optionally upload a YouTube video to your listing, showcasing the product in a video and shows up in the Images section of the listing. To add a video, upload your video to YouTube with it being set to Public or UnlistedGet the link for the video and when creating your listing…

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  • Cancel Donator Subscription

    Donator subscriptions are automatically stopped when expired and wont renew unless you want to renew it You can cancel your subscription at anytime however its more recommended to keep until it expires as you’ve already paid for it, but if you do wish to cancel anyway you can email support Contact page You cannot get…

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  • Country Tags

    When signing up for FurList, you get a tag for the country you are in (determined by IP) which is visible on your profile with a mini flag (if available, scroll down for list) and when creating a listing, your timezone will be shown based off the country when you logged in This helps buyers…

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  • Failed to create listing

    Fee paid when creating If you payed the 1st time fee while creating the listing, don’t worry as your account still should have the seller access (as long as it wasn’t a payment error and was a listing error).To fix the error, go back to previous page, fix the problem mentioned in the error (such…

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  • 1-time seller fee FAQ

    FurList requires a small 1 time fee to create listings, once paid you will be able to create listings forever on your account with up to 3 listings slots. This helps for server costs and general upkeep of the site! Donators don’t need to pay this fee to become a seller, when donating and redeeming…

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  • Refund Policy

    1 time seller fee Refunds are not provided for the 1 time seller fee. This 1 time fee gives your account (the account logged in when paid) permissions to sell on FurList, if a problem occurs where your account isnt given the permissions due to an error and you were charged then you can contact…

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  • Donation Subscription FAQ

    We have donations open to help us keep the website running as it can be quite expensive to maintain, but with donations it helps us a lot! £3 per month and get benefits Beta features Get access to features before they release 10 listing limit Increase the listing limit on your account from 4 to…

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