Rules for listings and accounts


Listings are created by the community (and possibly you soon) and as usual there are some guidelines and rules for all listings created on the site to help keep everything safe and appropriate for the site. By creating a listing on the site, you agree to these rules and if you create an account, you agree to the account rules (listing rules if you make one). If you dont agree then do not create a listing or interact with community content on the site, if you dont agree with account rules then do not make account.

These may change and this page tries to cover most scenarios, if your unsure that the product you want to list is suitable then you can contact support before posting to check.

If rules are broken, we will take action on your account, depending on the rule being broken:


You will be warned via email, if there is content that caused this warning then it’ll be deleted.

Depending on the rule, it’ll either be warning first or straight to suspension.

View your account warnings


Your account will be suspended, all listings will be delisted and your account and listings will be deleted after some time if not appealed.

If suspended, you are not allowed to sign up again or use an alt.

Suspensions can be appealed unless they are severe, if they are too severe then the suspension cannot be appealed. This is indicated when logging in, in the “appeals” section.

If you are creating your first listing then its highly recommended you should read this, if its not your first listing then you should check back every so often if things are changed.

This has been last updated on…

General Rules

Rules for general things / everything

No anti-furry listings, accounts, etc.

Products, descriptions, accounts, etc. that are aimed against furries or targetting furries are strictly prohibited.

Listing Rules

When you are creating a listing / have a listing

Creating listings

Information provided must be accurate

The information you provide on listings must be as accurate as possible, things such as problems, defects, or notable things should be noted down in the description of the listing

Products listed on the site must be furry related

Products listed on the site must be related to furries and unrelated products are not to be listed. This might be quite broad but as long as its at least somewhat furry related then it can be listed.

No spamming listings

You cannot create the same listing (heavily similar or for the exact same product) multiple times

No inappropriate language / hate speech

This should make sense, don’t use language that is inappropriate and no personal attacks, discriminatory language and such

No sharing personal details without consent

Personal details cannot be shared through listings unless the person (who’s info it is) has agreed, do not share personal information about others if they do not agree to it (such as doxxing and posting someone else’s information)

Photos and videos must be true to the product

Any images or videos that are posted on the listing must be what the product actually is to make the product look in better condition, different to what it actually is, etc.

Strictly no “bait and switch” where the product isn’t the one advertised, if images/videos include things that are sold separately, an payable extra or not included then it must be disclosed in the description

Do NOT use images / list products that you do not own

Products being listed MUST be yours, stolen products (such as a fursuit stolen from a furcon) are strictly prohibited from being listed and can lead to authority action.

Images / videos you post on listings must be yours or you have permission from the person who took the photograph to use it*

No AI product / profile images

Using AI images for images is not allowed (especially for faking products or making products look in better condition than they are)

No AI products

AI products such as “art generation” are not allowed on the platform, no AI generated art or services that feature AI


No NSFW products

Currently, we do not allow any NSFW or questionable products, they must be SFW.

No products related to zoophilia or beastiality

Strictly prohibited.

No malicious / illegal products

Products that are malicious or are illegal anywhere are strictly prohibited from being listed on the site.

No real fur

Fursuits cannot contain real fur

Accepted types of fur:
– Fake fur
– Faux fur
– Synthetic fur
or related

Account Rules

Creating / having an account on the site

No inappropriate usernames

This should make sense, don’t use language that is inappropriate and no personal attacks, discriminatory language and such

No using multiple alt accounts

Multiple alt accounts are not allowed, having 1 personal and 1 business account for example is fine however having a few / bunch / many alt accounts, especially for avoiding account bans and such, is not allowed.

No inappropriate avatars

Profile pictures must be SFW and appropriate for the site

No impersonating people

Do not impersonate others, pretty self explanatory.

Bots and APIs (developers)

Automation, bots, API usage

No automation / bots

Bots / automation are not permitted to create listings

Automation and/or bots for finding listings (either overall / as soon as they are created) are not allowed to auto contact sellers.

No unauthorised usage of APIs

FurList APIs (such as checking current logged in username) are not allowed to be used without authorisation, such as sending many requests to them while off site.
You are also not allowed to overload APIs (and the service) with too many requests in general including on and off site.

If you are interested in creating an application or integrating FurList with something, contact us and we can authorise and develop to fit.

Thank you!
– FurList