Terms of Service


  1. Listing Fees:
    • There is a small fee to create your first listing, and subsequent listings are free. The fee amount may vary and is subject to change.
  2. Payment Processing:
    • Payments are processed through Stripe. Users are responsible for providing accurate payment information.
  3. Intellectual Property:
    • Users retain ownership of their listings. By using our platform, you grant us a license to display and promote your content. You will be able to opt-in for your images or videos to be used in our marketing and promotions (this is optional)
    • Images and videos must be owned by the seller, same applies to the product being sold. If the seller does not own the product or the images / video (using them without permission) then the owner of the content can request removal.
  4. User Conduct:
    • Users must adhere to community guidelines. Violations may result in the removal of content or account.
  5. Platform Changes:
    • We reserve the right to make changes to the platform, including features, fees, and services.
  6. Termination of Accounts:
    • We reserve the right to terminate user accounts or remove listings without prior notice, at our sole discretion, if we believe that they violate our community guidelines or are deemed inappropriate for the platform. This includes but is not limited to content that is offensive, fraudulent, misleading, or violates any applicable laws or regulations.
  7. Limitation of Liability:
    • We are not liable for any direct, indirect, or incidental damages arising from the use of our platform.