Looking to delete a listing?
Head to your dashboard, find your listing, enter account password and confirm delete.
If you want to delete your FurList account then you can submit a request through email to delete your account and all data related to it.
You MUST send the email from the email connected to your FurList account.
If incorrect email is used then account requested might be locked for security.
Include account username in email, if not included then the account connected to the email will be deleted if available. Requesting to delete a different account that is not yours will lead to your account being suspended.
To request account deletion, please email:
With a request to delete your account, remember to include your username if possible.
No spam mail. Request can take from 0 – 3 days (longer if holidays)
All data related to the account will be permanently removed and cannot be recovered
and the following will be deleted:
– Listings
– User pages
– User details
and all data related to the account.
If you no longer have access to the email connected to the account then unfortunately it cannot be removed as we cant verify you own the account for security reasons. GDPR requires verification before deletion can be done.