1-time seller fee FAQ


FurList requires a small 1 time fee to create listings, once paid you will be able to create listings forever on your account with up to 3 listings slots.

This helps for server costs and general upkeep of the site!

Donators don’t need to pay this fee to become a seller, when donating and redeeming your donator badge on your account, it will also be converted to seller account automatically

Payments are managed with Stripe or PayPal (depending which you choose)

How does this work?

When you create your first listing, you will be prompted for this fee before you can create it. There will be a prompt to enter card details and your listing will be posted as soon as payment goes through correctly. Your account will also be converted to a seller account so you can post listings for free forever.

Why is there this fee?

Furlist has this 1-time fee to help the upkeep of the website such as server costs, storage, and such, whilst we would prefer to keep the service fully free, if we want to be able to keep the service running then this fee is needed.

What happens after paying?

Once its gone through correctly, the listing will be created and your account will now be able to create future listings for free – next time you create a listing it will just be a “create now” button without needing card details.

You will also receive a user account page which you can edit and it’ll list your available listings

What if i cant pay by card?

PayPal is supported however other methods aren’t currently supported

Can this be transferred to other accounts

No, this is non transferrable. It will be assigned to the account that is currently logged in, so make sure you are on the correct account before purchasing.

Can this be refunded?

No. If your account gets suspended then it is strictly no refunds. Chargebacks will lead to your account being suspended.