Country Tags


When signing up for FurList, you get a tag for the country you are in (determined by IP) which is visible on your profile with a mini flag (if available, scroll down for list) and when creating a listing, your timezone will be shown based off the country when you logged in

This helps buyers with knowing where the listing is available to and what time it is for the seller as if they are sleeping in their time zone, the seller probably wont answer DMs yet.

Time zone is not location (i.e, UK shows London)

Incorrect country flag

If you were using a VPN or in a different country rather than where you live while creating your account, it will show as the one your currently in (as its based off IP when you sign up), if you wish to change it as you’ve moved or it is incorrect then contact support through email and we will manually change it.

Available country flags

Some flags might not yet be added, if the flag of your country is missing then you can contact us to add it and we will add it (real flags only). Country flags are added manually