Latest updates and posts

Updates, changes and such with FurList are posted here.

  • Delete account

    Looking to delete a listing? Head to your dashboard, find your listing, enter account password and confirm delete. If you want to delete your FurList account then you can submit a request through email to delete your account and all data related to it. You MUST send the email from the email connected to your…

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  • Terms of Service


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  • Privacy Policy

    FurList Privacy Policy

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  • Badges

    Badges are used on listings to show if the person who created the listing is notable, contributed to the site, etc. They are shown under the profile username on the listing. Currently: Badges applied to the user at the time of the listings creation are shown on that listing (so if you created a listing…

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  • Rules for listings and accounts

    Important rules and guidelines for listings and accounts on FurList, please read before creating a listing / account.

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